
Anton Gasser

Exposed to life as a shepherd
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Yes, and here we are much - much the way in nature. Then I went skiing 60 years. But not only playful. Half the time in the air. But it's true. I was a smart man. The whole summer up, looking up from the side, sheep. As is best - either or. It will be so hardy as like a beast. In the morning we will go, weather was perfect, the cattle on 2300 meters above. Until you be overturned, a cloud comes back, a storm - yes. on a shirt, not even useful, shorts. And where - no shelter! Then just as wet as any other creature. Here and there I was after so wet that only the rear is a bit dry up, and between the feet, which was a bit dry. Sure, poured for hours, which go down. Then hail nor the end. Cold, for God's sake! A stick can not even hold the stick down inside, both hands down into it and wait. yes danger is present. One can not go out of cattle when there is danger, right? It takes the cattle at your own risk. And since I was 28 years continuously shepherd. is on the same pasture on Gaimberg Gemeindealm das. Yes. And later in 1980. 1980th After that we took to the Thurneralm, up there with Schleinitz. Is about 2000 meters high and has about the same amount of cattle. Since we were so eight summers. Yes - And for the most part we have been lucky because I was a diligent shepherd. The father has always said that if it snowed where you think back, look out in the morning, the flakes at the window down and the cattle at the top. Says he: "Whatever you need to go as long as it is still dark, they are still on the pitch. When it gets light, then they start to go, then pass the misfortunes. "Then we were, God knows where, in the vicinity. A little salt lick or assign and back down. And then nothing has happened! Alas, if you come later. Then they Walger - they fall, said in German. I have four of eight lucky. Was quite a steep pasture were the earlier or sheep pastures and meadows. And suddenly comes nearly a hundred head of cattle. Has not been suitable for such hills. Then we had a bit to be close. Or look good on it. - Yes, yes.